How to remove microblading - your questions answered
Microblading eyebrows is a convenient cosmetic procedure for those with lighter, thinner or over-plucked eyebrows, and for those who no longer want to draw them every day and are looking for something more permanent with the appearance of eyebrow hair.
However, in the event that you feel like your microbladed eyebrows are too dark or they haven’t aged too well, you might want to consider microblading removal.
There are countless ‘quick fixes’ and ‘at home remedies’ available online, but the important thing to know is that of all the available removal methods, laser removal is the quickest and safest option to remove permanent makeup like microblading.
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Can you remove microblading at home?
No, microblading removal isn’t possible at home - nor is eyebrow tattoo removal. ‘DIY’ methods for any type of permanent makeup removal are often incredibly invasive and damaging to your skin, which could have serious consequences for an area with sensitive skin like your face, and even result in scar tissue forming.
Even manufactured microblading removal creams, which are basically the same as the available tattoo removal creams, are unlikely to be completely effective for microblading removal.
Does saline microblading removal work?
Saline removal of microbladed eyebrows works in a similar way to how you would get eyebrow tattoos and other types of permanent makeup, in that it uses a tool to inject the saline solution into the microbladed area in an attempt to break down and draw out the tattoo ink.
Because of how the process works some can find it a painful approach to permanent makeup removal, and as the treatment leaves a wound that needs a longer healing process, there can be a delay between sessions so the process takes longer. Also, while it may fade the ink in the treated area, it's unlikely to completely remove the unwanted pigment.
Thanks to our innovative technology and experienced consultants, you can be confident about removing cosmetic tattoos and microblading – both popular treatments at NAAMA.

What is the fastest way to remove microblading?
At NAAMA, our laser microblading removal treatment is much like laser tattoo removal, as it uses our precise unique laser technology to target the ink in your skin.
Our laser treatment uses lower energy than other lasers, which means it’s a lot less painful and requires less downtime between treatments making NAAMA’s laser removal for microblading, permanent makeup and eyebrow tattoos the gentlest and safest option for your skin.
Due to how our laser operates, the ink particles in your skin will absorb more light and therefore fade faster, making it a quicker removal process than other methods.
There’s also less downtime between treatments thanks to the low energy that our laser emits, meaning you can have more treatments in a shorter time frame.
However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s tattoo or microblading is different, which means there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer when it comes to your microblading removal treatment.
Can you completely remove microblading?
It is possible to completely remove microblading, with many people noticing a difference after just a few treatments.
Don't just take it from us. Hear from one of our satisfied clients. “I’ve had five sessions and the difference is unbelievable," says Barrie, who visited NAAMA to remove microblading. "It’s gone, it has literally vanished.”
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Most of our clients like to take a look through before and after photos to get an idea of how the process works and how long their own tattoos are likely to take to remove.
If you’re concerned about the use of a laser on your face, you’ll be glad to know that our LightSense™ laser is safe and gentle, as well as being precisely targeted to the areas we’re removing ink from. You’ll also be able to carry on your day after your treatment with minimal downtime.