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How long will my tattoo removal take?

Every tattoo is unique. Answer a few questions to see how many sessions your bespoke tattoo removal might require.

Let’s begin...

What colour is your tattoo? *

Black is the most common colour for tattoos worldwide, but it can sometimes take the longest to remove.

Your ink...

How would you describe the density of your tattoo ink?

tattoo ink
tattoo ink
tattoo ink

The denser the tattoo, the more sessions you’ll likely need. This is simply because there’s more ink to flush out. We’ve seen excellent removals on both light and heavy tattoos, so we can help either way!

Size matters...

What size is your tattoo?

What size is your tattoo?
What size is your tattoo?
What size is your tattoo?
What size is your tattoo?
What size is your tattoo?

Smaller than a 4cm x 4cm passport photo

Tell us more...

Where is your tattoo?

Did you know the location of your tattoo can effect how quickly it removes? Laser tattoo removal relies upon the lymphatic system to clear out the ink particles.

Nearly there...

How would you describe your general health and lifestyle?

Your immune system is a key part of tattoo removal. The healthier you are, the more effective your sessions are likely to be. It's why we encourage you to follow a healthy lifestyle during your tattoo removal journey.

By the way...

What is your sex?


Fill out your details below to get your estimate and request a call back to learn more

Results are in...

We estimate your clearnce will take:

9.5 sessions

No tattoo removal journey is the same. The above is an estimate as there are varying factors determine how long removal might take: your tattoo style; your health and lifestyle; and your personalised treatment plan.


Speak to one of our experts to learn more about the most advanced laser tattoo removal technology - LightSense.