How do I prepare for a laser tattoo removal session?

JULY, 24, 2024

Getting ready for tattoo removal

It’s not every day you get a tattoo removed, and it’s likely this will be your first time stepping foot inside a tattoo removal studio. The idea of laser tattoo removal can be daunting - but we’re here to help. From our stylish and welcoming studio in New York to our warm and friendly nurses, the NAAMA team is ready to calm any nerves. Here are our tips for preparing for your laser tattoo removal treatment.

Complete your healthcare form

The essential part first. You will receive a link to a healthcare form when you book. Please complete this in advance, particularly if you are taking any medication. 

It’s a requirement to have this filled in before we can commence treatment. The sooner you fill it in, the sooner it’s one less thing to think about - and the team can check through everything ahead of your appointment. 

Suncare and tanning

We get it; we love a tan, too! But having one can risk delaying treatment. Tans - real or fake - change the tone of your natural skin and using a laser on a deep tan risks melanin loss or hypopigmentation.

We therefore request that you avoid sun tanning and tanning beds up to 4 to 6 weeks before treatment. 

If you arrive at the studio with a tan, your consultant may choose to postpone your session until your skin has settled. We can’t treat skin that’s burned, peeling, recovering from UV exposure or inflamed from tanning of any kind. We don’t enjoy delaying treatment, but it’s all done to keep you and your skin safe. 


There is a chance we may need to shave any treatment areas with excess hair, such as lower arms or legs. If your tattoo is in a particularly hairy spot, please shave the area before you come to your appointment.

Don’t worry! This does NOT apply to eyebrow tattoo removal. You are not required to shave your eyebrows.

General healthcare

Due to how tattoo removal works, it’s important your immune system is in good shape for optimal results. We therefore recommend upping your water intake, following a healthy diet full of nutritious goodness, and getting a good night’s sleep before treatment. It’s also worth reducing your alcohol intake and avoiding smoking. It may not sound like much fun, but it’ll be worth it long-term! 

Read some of our client stories

Tattoo removal is a process - taking 8-12 sessions on average - and it can feel a little overwhelming when you’re at the start of your journey. But knowledge is power! 

Take a look at our client stories to hear from people who know how you feel, read how they found treatment, and learn what it’s like to remove a tattoo from a client’s perspective.

And if you have any questions… 

Contact us. We’re here to help. There’s no such thing as a silly question and we want to make you feel comfortable and confident throughout treatment. 

Talk to one of our experts to start your removal journey