Client Tattoo Removal Stories - Beth's Story – NAAMA Studios


Professional lighting technician, Beth, talks about her laser tattoo removal journey with NAAMA.

I work in lighting, for live music and theater shows, most recently for a Doctor Who immersive show on the West End. I love to travel and have seen 53 countries so far, most of these through working on a cruise ship which was amazing. I love arts and crafts, anything that feels creative, and I love to read sci fi and fantasy books. I have 3 tattoos, soon to be 2! I have two really beautiful meaningful tattoos, one I had done backstage at a festival by a wonderful tattoo artist I've known for years, and one done by my one of my close friends. They both were really positive experiences and I think that had a lot to do with how good I feel about the outcome.

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The tattoo I’m having removed is a pin up girl on my left shoulder / back. I got this done when I was 19 before leaving for university. I was leaving behind friends and memories to move very far away, I wanted something to symbolize the memories I had to take with me. I was never thrilled with it; I like my tattoos to be something people don’t see immediately and this tattoo is always visible which was never my intention.

Why did you decide to have it removed?

Honestly, I was talked into having it somewhere I hadn't originally planned for it to go. The tattooist suggested I wouldn’t be brave enough to get it where I had wanted it and I feel so annoyed that I gave in and had it changed. I feel like it reminds me that I let someone tell me I wasn’t strong enough and that’s not a message I want to carry. I also drew it myself and didn’t anticipate how the thin pencil lines would translate to skin, it just didn’t come out very well. I decided to get rid of it when I came across an advert for NAAMA and I just thought, actually yes, this tattoo has got to go!

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I’m really close to the end of my removal journey now! I’m excited for the fresh start and to get rid of something that just upsets me. My removal experience has been so positive. The people at NAAMA are so friendly and welcoming. It’s a lovely calm environment and I'm so excited to be able to have this tattoo completely removed. I love coming in and chatting to the team, they put me completely at ease.

Speed was my main priority for removal and not having any scarring.

“I feel like it reminds me that I let someone tell me I wasn’t strong enough and that’s not a message I want to carry.”

Beth's progress

Before treatment

Beth’s tattoo at the start of her tattoo removal journey.

After three sessions

Our one-of-a-kind 800nm laser is faster and superior at removing color ink.

After 10 sessions

The tattoo loses its form, and colored inks and lighter blacks disappear.

Most recently

Beth’s tattoo is seeing incredible results in a short space of time.

Talk to one of our experts to start your removal journey